Turquoise and Seashell
A seashell from the Caribbean islands, gifted to me by a friend who lived for a time in the middle of the pacific ocean. Every detail and crevice has been preserved, like a metal shrine of the porcelain creamy shell. It too still lives, illuminating peacefully on my mantle by the window. Perhaps i will be able to return the shell one day but for now it serves as a token, as a reminder of the incredible body of water we live with and all the life that inhabits the flowing blue on this planet. Truly a magnificent watery world.
The seashell has been befriended with a turquoise stone also from around the pacific ocean, mined in the hills of Mexico. The two objects share a love for sunshine and water, and they vibrate back and forth to one another. This ring is ocean, atlantis, whales and nature that flows, viscous, and rushes with beauty like a waterfall.
If you love nature this ring will serve you, reminding you daily of how incredibly beautiful the objects created on our beautiful planet are. Simply while we sleep, dream, and live our lives, beauty naturally occurs all around us. A wondrous world.
The ring can be slightly adjusted by a little squeeze or opening of your fingers. It will fit best in the 7 1/2 to 9 size range.
Thank you for reading.